Pamela Capaci

Pamela Capaci's Fundraiser

Join Me in supporting Hope Sheds Light in memory of my sister Cookie  image

Join Me in supporting Hope Sheds Light in memory of my sister Cookie

My goal is get 100 friends and family to donate $5 to my Join Me campaign

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$550 towards $500

I have decided to walk with HOPE Sheds Light at its 7th Annual Celebration of HOPE Virtual Walk on September 12, 2020 and I would love if you can join me in my efforts to help those impacted by addiction.

On December 28, 2019, I woke up to a call from my sister Lauren letting me know that my sister Cookie had passed away. An on-call doctor prescribed my sister a powerful painkiller and she overdosed and died in her sleep. Apparently, she became addicted to painkillers after her knee surgery. It happened very quickly. We didn't react in time. We didn't realize how bad it was but her doctors knew. She was my big sister, she was a mom, a grandmother, an aunt and a friend. I miss her every day.

Please donate to my page and help support HOPE Sheds Light. All event proceeds will help educate and provide direct support to families impacted by addiction, reduce stigma by raising awareness, provide needed resources to individuals with a substance use disorder and instill hope for and with our community.

Giving online is easy and fast, and your support will make a real difference. I appreciate your help!

If you would like to register to walk or view sponsorship opportunities, please click here.

Thank you for your support.

This is me and my sisters the Christmas before Cookie passed.